Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Aruba | Australia | Austria | Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus | Belgium | Benin | Bermuda | Bolivia | Bonaire | Botswana | Brazil | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Cape Verde | Cayman Islands | Chile | China | Colombia | Comoros | Congo | Cote D'Ivoire | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Dominic Replublic | Dominica | Dutch Caribbean | Ecuador | Egypt | Estonia | Finland | France | French Antilles | French Guiana | French Polynesian | Gabon | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Greenland | Guatemala | Guinea | Guyana | Haiti | Hawaii | Honduras | Hong Kong | Hungary | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy | JAMAICA | Japan | Jersey | Jordan | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Korea Republic of Korea | Latvia | Lebanon | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Macau | Madagascar | Malawi | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Martinique | Mauritius | Mexico | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Morocco | Nepal | Netherlands | Netherlands Antilles | New Zealand | Niger | Nigeria | Northern Mariana Islands | Norway | Pacific GUAM | Pakistan | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico | Romania | Russia | Rwanda | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Saudi Arabia | Scotland | Senegal | Serbia | Singapore | Slovakia | South Africa | Spain | Sri Lanka | Sudan | Suriname | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria | Taiwan | Thailand | Togo | Trinidad and Tobago | Tunesia | Turkey | Uganda | UK | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United States Virgin Islands | Uruguay | USA | Venezuela | Vietnam | Zambia | Zimbabwe |

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#80046 See /Amélie MOULY MARQUES on LinkedIn
Elodie Lhermitte
#79779 See Elodie Lhermitte on LinkedIn
Benjamin Bayard
#78938 See Benjamin Bayard on LinkedIn
Dorothée Leiseing
#78104 See Dorothée Leiseing on facebook
Linda Profit
#77711 See Linda Profit on LinkedIn
Audrey Rigaud
#77288 See Audrey Rigaud on facebook
Bruno Guichard
#77286 See Bruno Guichard on LinkedIn
Dorothée Galopin
#76525 See Dorothée Galopin on LinkedIn
Damien Baptiste
#76524 See Damien Baptiste on facebook
Emilie Marcelet
#76516 See Emilie Marcelet on facebook
Jean Mône
#76350 See Jean Mône on facebook
Catherine Bourdon
#76348 See Catherine Bourdon on LinkedIn
Anna Gril
#76196 See Anna Gril on facebook
Matthieu LE BARS
#75644 See Matthieu LE BARS on LinkedIn
Marie Puginier
#75643 See Marie Puginier on facebook
Ahouseny Sawadogo
#75102 See Ahouseny Sawadogo on facebook
Loris Montaclair
Damien Michaud
#74870 See Damien Michaud on LinkedIn
Elvis Kwassi
#74806 See Elvis Kwassi on facebook
MANU Emmanuel Dhenin
#74805 See MANU Emmanuel Dhenin on facebook
Béatrice Talmant
#74311 See Béatrice Talmant on facebook
Stephane Daniel
#73652 See Stephane Daniel on facebook
Nathalie Bertrand (Seyer)
#73651 See Nathalie Bertrand (Seyer) on facebook
Olivier Defretin
#73650 See Olivier Defretin on facebook
Laurent Dumonteil
#73646 See Laurent Dumonteil on facebook
Benoît Laly
#73388 See Benoît Laly on facebook
Christine Plessis Sabin
#73387 See Christine Plessis Sabin on facebook
Chrystel Hostein
#73127 See Chrystel Hostein on facebook
Marie-Laure Fornas
#72807 See Marie-Laure Fornas on LinkedIn
Anne Laly-Defrance
#72805 See Anne Laly-Defrance on facebook
Laurencede Boulois
#72250 See Laurencede Boulois on facebook
Agnès Decreux
#71914 See Agnès Decreux on facebook
Reynald Simon
#71838 See Reynald Simon on facebook
Virginie de Battista
#71656 See Virginie de Battista on facebook
Frédéric de Boulois
#71467 See Frédéric de Boulois on facebook
Laure Duquesne
#71041 See Laure Duquesne on facebook
Johann Duhoo
#71040 See Johann Duhoo on facebook
Jacques Rebatel
#70604 See Jacques Rebatel on LinkedIn
Christelle Jost
Patrick Blanes
#70391 See Patrick Blanes on facebook
Christophe Bonnefond
#70223 See Christophe Bonnefond on LinkedIn
David Frigout
Elisabeth Capponi
#69664 See Elisabeth Capponi on facebook
Jocelyn Lauret
#69063 See Jocelyn Lauret on LinkedIn
Pierre Lafargue
#69060 See Pierre Lafargue on LinkedIn
Catrine-Simone Chevrier-Noel
#68859 See Catrine-Simone Chevrier-Noel on facebook
Hélène Jousselin
#68857 See Hélène Jousselin on facebook
Jean-Philippe Nemoz
#68247 See Jean-Philippe Nemoz on LinkedIn
Antoine Salim Chebli
#67957 See Antoine Salim Chebli on LinkedIn
Christophe Lequart
#67675 See Christophe Lequart on LinkedIn
Laurent Vincent
#67671 See Laurent Vincent on facebook
Cathy Ragonneau
#67670 See Cathy Ragonneau on facebook
Laurence Spezzatti
#67370 See Laurence Spezzatti on LinkedIn
#67345 See Murielle A. DEGBEY-MOULIOM on LinkedIn
Yvon Jezegou
#66990 See Yvon Jezegou on facebook
Christophe Guillemot
#66979 See Christophe Guillemot on facebook
Cyril Bonnaire
#65870 See Cyril Bonnaire on facebook
Laurent Senecat
Joël Rieux
#65024 See Joël Rieux on LinkedIn
Sylvie-Genevieve Minetto
#64542 See Sylvie-Genevieve Minetto on facebook
Eric Serge Guittard
#64540 See Eric Serge Guittard on LinkedIn
Landry Nouessewa Ahlonsou
#64244 See Landry Nouessewa Ahlonsou on facebook
Florence Lahaye
#64188 See Florence Lahaye on LinkedIn
Marie-Hélène Oudin
#63364 See Marie-Hélène Oudin on facebook
Luc Pace
#63340 See Luc Pace on facebook
Catherine Marchand
#63259 See Catherine Marchand on LinkedIn
Pascal Leprince
#63258 See Pascal Leprince on LinkedIn
Jean Pierre Tarbouriech
#62995 See Jean Pierre Tarbouriech on LinkedIn
Laurent Couret
#62940 See Laurent Couret on LinkedIn
Michelle Caltaux Fichaux
#62175 See Michelle Caltaux Fichaux on facebook
Isabelle Feneuil Binggeli
#61992 See Isabelle Feneuil Binggeli on facebook
Jean-Luc Gallo
#61229 See Jean-Luc Gallo on LinkedIn
Marie Christine Bogaert Mequinion
#61228 See Marie Christine Bogaert Mequinion on facebook
Marie Blanche Saucourt
#61227 See Marie Blanche Saucourt on facebook
Jean Michel Gautheron
#61064 See Jean Michel Gautheron on facebook
Olivier Mugnier
#60984 See Olivier Mugnier on LinkedIn
Philippe Klein
#60923 See Philippe Klein on facebook
Janna Nekhaitchik
#60454 See Janna Nekhaitchik on facebook
Didier Saint-Louis
#59617 See Didier Saint-Louis on LinkedIn
Claudine Corne
#59254 See Claudine Corne on LinkedIn
Jean-jacques Hiroux
#58639 See Jean-jacques Hiroux on facebook
Cëcile Delannoy
#58635 See Cëcile Delannoy on facebook
Jean Luc Filser
#58528 See Jean Luc Filser on facebook
Myriam Lorand
#58405 See Myriam Lorand on facebook
Véronique Bonhomme
#58400 See Véronique Bonhomme on facebook
Michel Bel
#58395 See Michel Bel on facebook
Jean-Marc Thibaudin
#57706 See Jean-Marc Thibaudin on LinkedIn
Nicole Théron
#57476 See Nicole Théron on facebook
Arnaud Jean Touffet
#57404 See Arnaud Jean Touffet on facebook
Philippe Degaey
#57402 See Philippe Degaey on facebook
Jean-Luc Bluteau
#57401 See Jean-Luc Bluteau on facebook
Jean-Paul Giraudeau
#57029 See Jean-Paul Giraudeau on facebook
Potier, Jean-Luc
#57000 See Potier, Jean-Luc on LinkedIn
Jacques Gignoux
Francois Xavier Christen
#56103 See Francois Xavier Christen on facebook
Anne Peyrin - Oechsner de Coninck
#56101 See Anne Peyrin - Oechsner de Coninck on LinkedIn
Georges Cerri
#55949 See Georges Cerri on LinkedIn
Charles Bourlard
#55948 See Charles Bourlard on facebook
Anne-Fernande Decaumont
#55943 See Anne-Fernande Decaumont on facebook
Develle, Jerick
#55695 See Develle, Jerick on LinkedIn
Francoise Texier
#55008 See Francoise Texier on facebook
Dominique Berna Bogaert
#54682 See Dominique Berna Bogaert on facebook
Philippe Duchesne
#54255 See Philippe Duchesne on LinkedIn
Pierrette Broueilh
#54248 See Pierrette Broueilh on facebook
Eric Lucot
#53863 See Eric Lucot on LinkedIn
Jean-Pierre Chiaverini
#52963 See Jean-Pierre Chiaverini on facebook
Jean Vaquie
#51711 See Jean Vaquie on LinkedIn
Jean-Ives Glemee
#49297 See Jean-Ives Glemee on facebook
Sylvie de Lange
#49190 See Sylvie de Lange on facebook
Gérard Gaillard
#48971 See Gérard Gaillard on LinkedIn
Eric Campion
#47237 See Eric Campion on LinkedIn
Patrick Goupil
#47152 See Patrick Goupil on facebook
Anne-France Chandellier Larmigny
#45293 See Anne-France Chandellier Larmigny on facebook
Maud Dieutre-Jardin
#45017 See Maud Dieutre-Jardin on facebook
Pierre de Leiris
#43706 See Pierre de Leiris on facebook
Jan Michel Switten
#43184 See Jan Michel Switten on LinkedIn
Marie-Claude Portmann
#42423 See Marie-Claude Portmann on facebook
Pierre-Arnold De Romanet
Marc Grimaldi
Christian Le Falher
#40395 See Christian Le Falher on LinkedIn
Jean-Pierre Sall?
#39917 See Jean-Pierre Sall? on LinkedIn
Charles Gandia
François Mornand
#36649 See François Mornand on LinkedIn
Joël Jacques Meudec
Jos van Vliet
#34177 See Jos van Vliet on LinkedIn
Sylvie Guyot
#33931 See Sylvie Guyot on facebook
Gerard Aubanel
#32652 See Gerard Aubanel on facebook
Lucien D'Hont
#30544 See Lucien D'Hont on facebook
Raymond 'RAY' Trivass
#29283 See Raymond 'RAY' Trivass on facebook
Bruno de Boüard
#27832 See Bruno de Boüard on facebook
Bernard Reynaud
Pierre Tabarin
#27152 See Pierre Tabarin on LinkedIn
Jean Leveque
#26450 See Jean Leveque on facebook
Jean-Paul Gobillard
#23693 See Jean-Paul Gobillard personal website
Teddy Bogaert
#22440 See Teddy Bogaert on facebook
NENA Helene Sakellaropoulou
Jacques Richard
Jean Pierre Bliah
#20226 See Jean Pierre Bliah on facebook
Léonce Deprez
Yvon Chotard

Welcome to

the world's largest JCI senator Network - not just a group, but an exclusive network fwor JCI senators. Here you can find "the one senator" in another country (currently 146 different countries) and maybe in a specific city. Most have also signed up for one of the JCIsenator groups on LinkedIn and / or Facebook, so you get a link to his/her profile, so that you can apply / join each other's network and recreate / build a relationship and a friendship. The relationship and interaction is the difference between a group and a network!

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As a #JCIsenatorLiaison senator, you can expect great experiences special if it is possible to make the calendars fit and meet in your town, exchange some JCI spirit and share a cup of coffee - remember that liaison is NOT equal to home hospitality - here we assist with good advice, so that visiting senators can experience the local restaurant that serves good ingredients and good service - the local restaurant that tourists don't normally find. Or when someone visit your area, what is needed to see?, is this HOTEL ok? – YOU can advice and you can become a #JCIsenatorLiaison and help your fellows.


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Welcome to one of the senator groups and thank you to be part the global webpage

We do hope that you will find more old senator friends and make some new friendships, to make JCI stronger

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with best JCI senator friendship regards

Frank #59603 from Copenhagen
42nd President Danish Senate