Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Aruba | Australia | Austria | Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus | Belgium | Benin | Bermuda | Bolivia | Bonaire | Botswana | Brazil | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Cape Verde | Cayman Islands | Chile | China | Colombia | Comoros | Congo | Cote D'Ivoire | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Dominic Replublic | Dominica | Dutch Caribbean | Ecuador | Egypt | Estonia | Finland | France | French Antilles | French Guiana | French Polynesian | Gabon | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Greenland | Guatemala | Guinea | Guyana | Haiti | Hawaii | Honduras | Hong Kong | Hungary | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy | JAMAICA | Japan | Jersey | Jordan | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Korea Republic of Korea | Latvia | Lebanon | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Macau | Madagascar | Malawi | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Martinique | Mauritius | Mexico | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Morocco | Nepal | Netherlands | Netherlands Antilles | New Zealand | Niger | Nigeria | Northern Mariana Islands | Norway | Pacific GUAM | Pakistan | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico | Qatar | Romania | Russia | Rwanda | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Saudi Arabia | Scotland | Senegal | Serbia | Singapore | Slovakia | South Africa | Spain | Sri Lanka | Sudan | Suriname | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria | Taiwan | Thailand | Togo | Trinidad and Tobago | Tunesia | Turkey | Uganda | UK | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United States Virgin Islands | Uruguay | USA | Venezuela | Vietnam | Zambia | Zimbabwe |

To see a Country please click on the link - To see all countries click here

Jasper Salinana
#79417 See Jasper Salinana on LinkedIn
Luciano Conceicao Goncalves
#78208 See Luciano Conceicao Goncalves on facebook
Laurie-Ann Sarachie
#78132 See Laurie-Ann Sarachie on LinkedIn
Danelle Hueging
#77916 See Danelle Hueging on LinkedIn
Rohel Pimentel
#77840 See Rohel Pimentel on LinkedIn
Jeremy Voss
#76024 See Jeremy Voss on LinkedIn
Margie Hibbard
#74648 See Margie Hibbard on facebook
Mike Matejka
#74273 See Mike Matejka on facebook
Afif Mango
#74259 See Afif Mango on facebook
Jennifer Sencar
#73093 See Jennifer Sencar on facebook
Blaine Peter Evans
#71266 See Blaine Peter Evans on LinkedIn
Lorna Bainbridge
#71228 See Lorna Bainbridge on LinkedIn
Maria Editha Co Say Quinto
#69771 See Maria Editha Co Say Quinto on LinkedIn
Andrew Hutton
#69132 See Andrew Hutton on LinkedIn
Aftab (Mahmud) Khurshid
#68484 See Aftab (Mahmud) Khurshid on LinkedIn
Isabelle Saillant
#68277 See Isabelle Saillant on LinkedIn
Scott Morgan
#66489 See Scott Morgan on LinkedIn
Jay Ball
#65438 See Jay Ball on LinkedIn
SHELL Shelley Duggan
#65285 See SHELL Shelley Duggan on facebook
Henry Loo Chin Moy
#62546 See Henry Loo Chin Moy on LinkedIn
Pedro Julian Montiel Rivera
#62389 See Pedro Julian Montiel Rivera on LinkedIn
Tracy DesLaurier
#61374 See Tracy DesLaurier on LinkedIn
Barbara Brown
#61070 See Barbara Brown on facebook
Jim Bradfield
Bill Diamond
#57960 See Bill Diamond on LinkedIn
Patrick Veer
#56776 See Patrick Veer on LinkedIn
Barry Peacock
ROB Robert Cronkwright
#54515 See ROB Robert Cronkwright on facebook
Kirby Edgar
#52913 See Kirby Edgar on facebook
Gary Wood
#46993 See Gary Wood on LinkedIn
Rick Fisher
#46720 See Rick Fisher on LinkedIn
Ron Lapointe
John McBride
Phil Pazdor
#45010 See Phil Pazdor on LinkedIn
Linda May Blanchard
Brian Soo
Daniel DAN Toews
#43467 See Daniel DAN Toews on facebook
Barry Evans
#42155 See Barry Evans on facebook
Theresa TERRY Sinton
#41756 See Theresa TERRY Sinton on facebook
Daniel G MacLaren
#41351 See Daniel G MacLaren on facebook
Milo Steele
#39666 See Milo Steele on LinkedIn
Shirley Louise Mosher
#36779 See Shirley Louise Mosher on facebook
Gregory Henn
#29274 See Gregory Henn on facebook
Brian Eddy
#28677 See Brian Eddy on LinkedIn
Roy Spooner
#25790 See Roy Spooner on facebook
BILL William Ridsdill
BILL William Skribe
#25511 See BILL William Skribe on facebook
Rene Jacob
Lloyd Stockdale
John Goltz
#18734 See John Goltz on facebook
Ralph Williams
#17758 See Ralph Williams on facebook
Barney C Ziola
TED W Edwin Campbell
#10479 See TED W Edwin Campbell on facebook
George De Rappard
#9614 See George De Rappard on LinkedIn
PHIL Phillip Sidney Sykes
#5689 See PHIL Phillip Sidney Sykes on facebook
Claude Dupras
#1889 See Claude Dupras on facebook
Allan Dann
BILL William John Edward Rees
Philip T. R. Pugsley

Welcome to

the world's largest JCI senator Network - not just a group, but an exclusive network fwor JCI senators. Here you can find "the one senator" in another country (currently 146 different countries) and maybe in a specific city. Most have also signed up for one of the JCIsenator groups on LinkedIn and / or Facebook, so you get a link to his/her profile, so that you can apply / join each other's network and recreate / build a relationship and a friendship. The relationship and interaction is the difference between a group and a network!

Our network is based on a community across borders, religion and cultures where we are all JCI senators – the highest honor in our organization Junior Chamber International.

We would like to offer membership to all JCI senator, but special to the new senator to welcome them into the world wide JCI senator family, to the local senator, who has not been to so many congresses, either national or international and do only doing the local networking in the chapter. Or have you in olds days met another senator at a congress or other JCI meeting: what was the name,? how do you spell the name? or can you only remember something of the name, then it is possible to look for the senator's photo (the photo is always a must under registration / membership)

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As a #JCIsenatorLiaison senator, you can expect great experiences special if it is possible to make the calendars fit and meet in your town, exchange some JCI spirit and share a cup of coffee - remember that liaison is NOT equal to home hospitality - here we assist with good advice, so that visiting senators can experience the local restaurant that serves good ingredients and good service - the local restaurant that tourists don't normally find. Or when someone visit your area, what is needed to see?, is this HOTEL ok? – YOU can advice and you can become a #JCIsenatorLiaison and help your fellows.


To become a member in this group you have two possibilities to sign up:

Sign up via LinkedIN
Click here
Sign up via Facebook
Click here

Welcome to one of the senator groups and thank you to be part the global webpage

We do hope that you will find more old senator friends and make some new friendships, to make JCI stronger

If you need any help or more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

with best JCI senator friendship regards

Frank #59603 from Copenhagen
42nd President Danish Senate