Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Armenia | Aruba | Australia | Austria | Bangladesh | Barbados | Belarus | Belgium | Benin | Bermuda | Bolivia | Bonaire | Botswana | Brazil | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Cape Verde | Cayman Islands | Chile | China | Colombia | Comoros | Congo | Cote D'Ivoire | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Dominic Replublic | Dominica | Dutch Caribbean | Ecuador | Egypt | Estonia | Finland | France | French Antilles | French Guiana | French Polynesian | Gabon | Germany | Ghana | Greece | Greenland | Guatemala | Guinea | Guyana | Haiti | Hawaii | Honduras | Hong Kong | Hungary | Iceland | India | Indonesia | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy | JAMAICA | Japan | Jersey | Jordan | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Korea Republic of Korea | Latvia | Lebanon | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Macau | Madagascar | Malawi | Malaysia | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Martinique | Mauritius | Mexico | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Morocco | Nepal | Netherlands | Netherlands Antilles | New Zealand | Niger | Nigeria | Northern Mariana Islands | Norway | Pacific GUAM | Pakistan | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico | Romania | Russia | Rwanda | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Saudi Arabia | Scotland | Senegal | Serbia | Singapore | Slovakia | South Africa | Spain | Sri Lanka | Sudan | Suriname | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria | Taiwan | Thailand | Togo | Trinidad and Tobago | Tunesia | Turkey | Uganda | UK | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United States Virgin Islands | Uruguay | USA | Venezuela | Vietnam | Zambia | Zimbabwe |

To see a Country please click on the link - To see all countries click here

David Haglund
#76617 See David Haglund on facebook
Victoria Peterson
#75382 See Victoria Peterson on facebook
Annicka Olsson
#73380 See Annicka Olsson on facebook
Martin Gustafsson
Marie Pihl
#69934 See Marie Pihl on facebook
Fredrik Bergfors
#69924 See Fredrik Bergfors on LinkedIn
Madeleine Martinsen
#69585 See Madeleine Martinsen on LinkedIn
Torbjörn Berglund
#68368 See Torbjörn Berglund on LinkedIn
Janna Johanna Elisabet Ahlström
Tony Ottosson Gadd
Thomas Liljegren
Jamila El Abed Karlberg
#62370 See Jamila El Abed Karlberg on LinkedIn
Sinisa Grgic
#59076 See Sinisa Grgic on facebook
Christina Olausson (Carlberg)
Lars Sundqvist
Ericsson, Lena
#58803 See Ericsson, Lena on LinkedIn
Carina Dahlgren Andreasson
Per Ricktun
#57829 See Per Ricktun on LinkedIn
Bernt Aage Lindsjö
#57012 See Bernt Aage Lindsjö on facebook
Anders Filmersson
#56486 See Anders Filmersson on LinkedIn
Johan Nyren
#55466 See Johan Nyren on facebook
Lars Koverberg
Lars Lorentzon
#53367 See Lars Lorentzon on LinkedIn
Per Erichs
#53237 See Per Erichs on facebook
Maria Hammarlund
#51949 See Maria Hammarlund on LinkedIn
Jan Carlsson
#51237 See Kenneth_Andreasson on facebook
Ann-Marie Peterson
#50070 See Ann-Marie Peterson on facebook
Leif Lindau (Perrson)
Kristina Lindau (Larsson)
Peter Enckell
#46876 See Peter Enckell on LinkedIn
Johan Ennerfelt
#46599 See Johan Ennerfelt on LinkedIn
Thunberg, Bertil
#45179 See Thunberg, Bertil on LinkedIn
Håkan Bertilsson
#42085 See Håkan Bertilsson on facebook
Carl Jonson
#41525 See Carl Jonson on LinkedIn
Sven Ingvar Larsson
Lars Jalkevik
#39032 See Lars Jalkevik on facebook
Hans Pihl
Helen Andersson
Brit Øiesvold
Lars Hellstrom
Åsa Johansson
#33805 See Åsa Johansson on facebook
Torsten Sjögren
#29955 See Torsten Sjögren on facebook
Carl-Gustav Hallqvist
#29924 See Carl-Gustav Hallqvist on facebook
Göran Carsall
#29533 See Göran Carsall on facebook
Svante Persson
Thomas Bäuml
Lars Danielsson
Claës Breitholtz
Roger Alm
Paul Östling
#21720 See Paul Östling on facebook
Kerstin Persson
Lars Belin
#18643 See Lars Belin on facebook
Olle Törnblom
#15311 See Olle Törnblom on facebook
Sören Svanberg
Ulf Meuller
Gudrun Westin-Göransson
#11915 See Gudrun Westin-Göransson personal website
Kirill Forelius
#9753 See Kirill Forelius on facebook
Per Friberg
#8042 See Per Friberg on facebook
Rune Hagbarth

Welcome to

the world's largest JCI senator Network - not just a group, but an exclusive network fwor JCI senators. Here you can find "the one senator" in another country (currently 146 different countries) and maybe in a specific city. Most have also signed up for one of the JCIsenator groups on LinkedIn and / or Facebook, so you get a link to his/her profile, so that you can apply / join each other's network and recreate / build a relationship and a friendship. The relationship and interaction is the difference between a group and a network!

Our network is based on a community across borders, religion and cultures where we are all JCI senators – the highest honor in our organization Junior Chamber International.

We would like to offer membership to all JCI senator, but special to the new senator to welcome them into the world wide JCI senator family, to the local senator, who has not been to so many congresses, either national or international and do only doing the local networking in the chapter. Or have you in olds days met another senator at a congress or other JCI meeting: what was the name,? how do you spell the name? or can you only remember something of the name, then it is possible to look for the senator's photo (the photo is always a must under registration / membership)

Our global programs can be
#JCIsenatorGolf #JCisenatorLiaison #JCIsenatorBusiness #JCIsenatorAi


As a Liaison senator you need to personal sign up, this requires also that you are willing to be registered on our closed #JCIsenatorMAP - here you and other members, can then find "the one senator" by searching for an area / city or another country - when you are planning your next trip or just want to make an international friendship.

As a #JCIsenatorLiaison senator, you can expect great experiences special if it is possible to make the calendars fit and meet in your town, exchange some JCI spirit and share a cup of coffee - remember that liaison is NOT equal to home hospitality - here we assist with good advice, so that visiting senators can experience the local restaurant that serves good ingredients and good service - the local restaurant that tourists don't normally find. Or when someone visit your area, what is needed to see?, is this HOTEL ok? – YOU can advice and you can become a #JCIsenatorLiaison and help your fellows.


To become a member in this group you have two possibilities to sign up:

Sign up via LinkedIN
Click here
Sign up via Facebook
Click here

Welcome to one of the senator groups and thank you to be part the global webpage

We do hope that you will find more old senator friends and make some new friendships, to make JCI stronger

If you need any help or more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

with best JCI senator friendship regards

Frank #59603 from Copenhagen
42nd President Danish Senate